In recent years, the research community has demonstrated considerable
interest in Digital Culture (DC) and its online presentation, accessibility,
exploitation, preservation and reuse through new tools and services to model,
analyse and visualize vast amounts of DC data. The focus is on the search of
innovations especially in areas/subareas relevant to data management and
processing - innovative and creative tools for approaching cultural assets,
applications and services for better access to and exploiting of the rich and
diverse digital cultural heritage in a sustainable way, intelligent curation,
creative use/re-use and remix, reinterpretation, study, understanding, analysis,
personalization, adaptation, semantics, protection, restoration, preservation,
etc. The research community deals with important issues of handling data
directly, affecting the economy (represented by the creative and re-creative
industry), the public sector (cultural institutions - museums, libraries, galleries,
etc.), education, and society as a whole.
This special issue of Serdica Journal of Computing aims to contribute
to a deeper understanding of DC. It highlights case studies, practices,
innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of
digitization, documentation, archiving, representation and preventive
conservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
In particular, the main goal of this issue is to gather interdisciplinary and
inter-professional research on DC in order to make DC content accessible.
Peter Stanchev