A Basic Result on the Theory of Subresultants
Euclidean algorithm, Euclidean polynomial remainder sequence (prs), modified Euclidean prs, subresultant prs, modified subresultant prs, Sylvester matrices, Bezout matrix, Sturm’s prsAbstract
Given the polynomials f, g ∈ Z[x] the main result of our paper,Theorem 1, establishes a direct one-to-one correspondence between the
modified Euclidean and Euclidean polynomial remainder sequences (prs’s) of f, g
computed in Q[x], on one hand, and the subresultant prs of f, g computed
by determinant evaluations in Z[x], on the other.
An important consequence of our theorem is that the signs of Euclidean
and modified Euclidean prs’s - computed either in Q[x] or in Z[x] -
are uniquely determined by the corresponding signs of the subresultant prs’s.
In this respect, all prs’s are uniquely "signed".
Our result fills a gap in the theory of subresultant prs’s. In order to place
Theorem 1 into its correct historical perspective we present a brief historical
review of the subject and hint at certain aspects that need - according to
our opinion - to be revised.
ACM Computing Classification System (1998): F.2.1, G.1.5, I.1.2.