A Comparative Analysis of Predictive Learning Algorithms on High-Dimensional Microarray Cancer Data
HDLSS, Machine Learning Algorithm, Pattern Recognition, Classification, Prediction, Regularization, Discriminant Analysis, Support Vector Machine, Kernels, Cross Validation, Microarray Cancer DataAbstract
This research evaluates pattern recognition techniques on a subclass of big datawhere the dimensionality of the input space (p) is much larger than the number of
observations (n). Specifically, we evaluate massive gene expression microarray cancer data
where the ratio κ is less than one. We explore the statistical and computational challenges
inherent in these high dimensional low sample size (HDLSS) problems and present
statistical machine learning methods used to tackle and circumvent these difficulties.
Regularization and kernel algorithms were explored in this research using seven datasets
where κ < 1. These techniques require special attention to tuning necessitating
several extensions of cross-validation to be investigated to support better predictive
performance. While no single algorithm was universally the best predictor, the regularization
technique produced lower test errors in five of the seven datasets studied.