Variable Neighborhood Search for Solving the Capacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem
CSAHLP, VNS, CPLEX, Metaheuristic, Mathematical OptimizationAbstract
In this paper a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) algorithm for solvingthe Capacitated Single Allocation Hub Location Problem
(CSAHLP) is presented. CSAHLP consists of two subproblems; the first is
choosing a set of hubs from all nodes in a network, while the other comprises
finding the optimal allocation of non-hubs to hubs when a set of hubs
is already known. The VNS algorithm was used for the first subproblem,
while the CPLEX solver was used for the second. Computational results
demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has reached optimal solutions on
all 20 test instances for which optimal solutions are known, and this in short
computational time.